Cameron, Inexperience or Character?

High Office can be very cruel to a man. Shakespeare has shown us something of what can happen. He presents a mighty figure new to his task. As you look, a small crack can be seen in the edifice and under the pressure of high office one can see it widen until suddenly it splits asunder.

Are we witnessing this coming apart already in David Cameron? I do not suppose Cameron will repeat the mistakes of seeking to curry favour with some countries by insulting their ‘enemies’ and neighbours in public. At least not in the exactly same way. We shall write that down to learning from experience and the influence of others. But he will continue to be himself and he has told us so. Many hundreds of thousands of people will have seen the complicated expressions on David Cameron’s face when qustioned by journalists on his recent gaffes in Turkey and India: puzzlement, obstinacy and a degree of stupidity. After all when he shouted crude insults at Gordon Brown (of beloved memory) across the floor of the House of Commons people laughed and cheered. There must have been many similar moments in the Eton and Oxford debating societies: no one objected there. So why do they object in Pakistan and Israel?

This whole business of exposing oneself in public is fraught with difficulty. At first the crowd is amused and taken-in by one’s idiosyncracies and there is a welcome in the novellty of it (sorry, Gordon)  but then the mood changes as we quickly  grow critical and bored with the constant exposure. We try to modify what we do. It makes things worse. Have you noticed a change in our Dave’s intonation? His speech pattern has been altered. He has always , of course, spoken very quickly, as a child speaks and  as politicians do, in order to get his point in and evade critical questioning, but now he shouts. Quite suddenly in a speech he seems to take a breath and bellows. You think I exagerate?  Listen and make up your own mind. Our Dave is weak on detail. Harriet Harmon has revealed this for us. In the Commons she has sought policy detail from Dave on numerous occasions. He doesn’t answer. He does not know. In a debating society it is not desperately important to know what you are talking about. Succeeding is a matter of style, wit and combativeness. Dave certainly has what it takes to be popular and thus successful there. But in a wider world where most of what occurs is not of your making and liking. It is a question mark. Will we see the public edifice crumble  piece by piece over the coming months?


Filed under Big society, Cameron, Coalition Government, Commons, Conservative Home, Eton, Guardian, Israel, Labour Blogs, Labour Home, Liberal Vision, Nick Clegg, Oxford, Pakistan, Parliament, Shakespeare, Turkey

2 responses to “Cameron, Inexperience or Character?

  1. donjasjit

    What did he say about Pakistan which was so wrong. Elements of the Pakistan ISI are involved with the Taliban and other terrorists.But should he have been so blunt?

    Cameron has made a choice. He has decided to side with the Indian position and this is in the long term interests of Britain.
    Firstly, he has the gratitude of Indians of being the first western leader to understand and sympathize with Indian concerns. This will aid in building the special relationship that many British leaders have been talking about. Being in the good books of a potential superpower is always a good idea.

    Secondly, what does he gain taking a dovish approach to Pakistan. Maybe a little bit of cooperation on terrorism( but if the leaked wiki documents are any indication even that is not a realistic hope). In the long run, it does not have much hope with Pakistan, because of complex politics. Pakistan is pursuing a client state relationship with China because both are enemies with India, and this will sooner or later bring it in conflict with the west.

    • donjasit
      It is not possible or desirable for Britain to take sides with India against Pakistan. A moment’s thought will tell you that Pakistan, Afghanistan and the export of terror is of intimate concern to Britain – and India. Personally, my family has been involved in India for over a hundred years: my great grandfather was a General in the Indian Army. All that is history now to both countries but it leaves me with the warmest regard for Indian people. My blog makes satirical attacks against the Coalition here in Britain – it is my principal concern to join in the efforts to get rid of it before too much damage is done to our country. Foreign policy should deal with realities and an overall hudgement of the effectiveness of British policy is whether it serves Britain’s true objectives in the world. Good luck to you – and to India.

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